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Born in Colombia. He is a self taught artist. He studied publicity as well as worked for many years. Fernando has participated in the international competition of drawing “Joan Miro” in Barcelona, Spain, in which he won an honor award. This recognition motivated Fernando to enter the job forced as a plastic artist, and participated in more than 30 individual expositions. The work of Fernando...

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94.49 x 35.43 in
47.24 x 35.43 in
47.24 x 35.43 in
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Born in Colombia. He is a self taught artist. He studied publicity as well as worked for many years. Fernando has participated in the international competition of drawing “Joan Miro” in Barcelona, Spain, in which he won an honor award. This recognition motivated Fernando to enter the job forced as a plastic artist, and participated in more than 30 individual expositions. The work of Fernando Montoya allows transmitting the spectator the vibration illusion of relief, thanks to the laws of the optics, on the surface of a square. The treated images acquire a surprising beauty. His pictorial imagination creates figures that move to a vanguard that rhymes with forms belonging to the Surrealist. Their figures enjoy a captivating force, of a penetrating stability. His life is imposed in his work, blended to the imagination but perfect. Their squares hit the human retina with an attractive and different reality. Hesitations don't exist under their paintbrush. Single securities. Next their holding in diverse expositions:

1969 - La Rebeca, Galería de Arte (Bogotá, Colombia)
1970 - Dianarte - Galería (Cali, Colombia.)
1971 - Galería San Diego (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1972 - Instituto Cultural Colombo Alemán (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1972 - Club El Ejecutivo 18 (Medellín. Colombia)
1972 - Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1974 - El Callejón - Librería y Galería (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1974 - Asoc. Exalumnos de la U. de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
1975 - La Galerie (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1975 - Salón Nacional de Artistas (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1975 - Patronat Premi International Dibuix Joan Miró. 8vo.Puesto (Barcelona, Spain)
1977 - Arte Independencia La Galería de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)
1977 - MAROLI - Casa de Remates (Bogotá, Colombia)
1978 - Galería de los Navas, (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1979 - Galería de Arte Autopista No. 2 (Medellín, Colombia)
1980 - Galería Skandia Cartagena ( Colombia.)
1982 - Galería de los Navas, Sala Gregorio Vásquez de Arce y Ceballos (Bogotá)1981 - Galería El Prado (Barranquilla, Colombia.)
1983 - Salón Nacional de los Artistas (Bogotá, Colombia)
1984 - Dos Mundos de Arte Galería (Bogotá, Colombia.)
1984 - Galerías Arte Autopista (Medellín Colombia)
1985 - Galería Studio del Arte – PINTURA FRESCA (Bogotá, Colombia)
1986 - Centro Granahorrar (Medellín, Colombia.)
1987 - Galería Arte Autopista (Medellín, Colombia.)
1987 - Salón de los Artistas, Galería de Arte (Medellín, Colombia)
1988 - Hotel Meliá (Pereira, Colombia.)
1990 - Museo de la Tertulia de Cali (Colectiva - Cali, Colombia.)
1991 - Arte Independencia La Galería de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia)
1992 - Casa Negra, Exposición de Fin de Año (Bogotá, Colombia)
1992 - Estudio Fecha Galería (Caracas, Venezuela)
1995 - AEXANDES – Asoc. Exalumnos de la U. De los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia)
1996 - Salón 33 - Contemporáneos en Antioquia (Medellín, Antioquia)
1996 - Club de Ejecutivos de Medellín (Antioquia)
1997 - Cuatro Artistas Contemporáneos (Bogotá, Colombia)
1997 - Galería Contemporánea Coconut (San José de Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
1998 - Galería Arquetipos (Monterrey, México)
1998 - Bienal Ibero Americana de Arte (México, D.F.)
2000 - Sol Gallery in Miami, Florida. (Collective)
2001 – Da Vinci Gallery (Miami, Florida)
2001 – First City National Bank, (Miami, Florida)
2001 – Alcaldía de Sweet Water Kendall (Miami, Florida)
2001 – Fundación NAFA (Miami, Florida)
2001 – Contemporary Artist Dictionary (Miami, Florida)
2002 – Contemporary Artist Dictionary (Miami, Florida) *
2002 - Homenaje a Frida Kahlo (Miami, Florida
2002 – Arte Al Desnudo – Puerto Rico
2003 – Arte en Holanda - Holanda
2003 – Arte Contemporaneous - Hispamuseum Art - Miami
2003 – 21 Contemporary Artist for the 1st. Century – Lineart 2003- Gant, Bélgica.
2006 - Torre Donald Trump - New York
2007 – Feria de Arte de New York- Hispamuseum Art - New York
2007 – Trump Plaza – Miami, Florida

(*) El 6 de diciembre del 2001, día del lanzamiento oficial del Diccionario de Artistas Contemporáneos, Edición 2002, Fernando Montoya, obtuvo una mención especial por parte del Alcalde de Miami, en donde reconocen su distinguido trabajo en el mundo del Arte y su valiosa colaboración en hacer de la Ciudad de Miami un epicentro de la Cultura, que refleja la rica herencia Latinoamericana.

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